Saturday, January 2, 2010

Stand Alone Shower How Do You Clean Mildew On Grout In Shower?

How do you clean mildew on grout in shower? - stand alone shower

I have tried a number of products. No one seems to include all fungi or mold to get back together. There is a separate shower room, with only about the arming of the seams. I clean the entire shower, but the distribution is a bad image. Help


DungDung said...


That is what I do, does not require scrubbing and assumes that you have already tried to clean the shower ...

Get "X14" (not orange)
Shower outside the area clean with cold water
spray a generous amt of X14 in this area
wait about 5 minutes (or more)
Repeat if necessary

DungDung said...


That is what I do, does not require scrubbing and assumes that you have already tried to clean the shower ...

Get "X14" (not orange)
Shower outside the area clean with cold water
spray a generous amt of X14 in this area
wait about 5 minutes (or more)
Repeat if necessary

Cow said...

You need to have re-seal. The rust colored.

tim r said...

Use a mild detergent and water. This will eliminate mold. If the seal around the seams, can stain mold. The distance between the spots is virtually useless. Use a cotton swab directly to try to bleach, to, to the spot - after cleaning. Chlorine does not kill mold, and does not remove the stain. You have to remove and replace the seals. When you do this, use a silicone glue to prevent stains. Feel free to contact for further questions. Good luck.

Ciara07 said...

Take a damp cloth and chlorine, can recognize shapes with a damp cloth to stand for half an hour, then rinse sqeaky shape is clean!

Carmen said...

Home Depot sells a product from the producers of PTA. It's called Molde / Remove soft. Spray around the joints in the shower, let it sit for about 10-15 minutes ... and I promise you that if your bathroom is missing again. Believe me, it's a great product!

workingc... said...

Try to make a paste w / bleach and soda - the consistency of toothpaste.
Rinse directly to the joints and brush Apply w / a small brush, then.

beanieta... said...

Doblo crush towels / paper at the edges and a spray bottle with bleach and let draw. Then rub a little and then rinse

ghds said...

Are you sure that you are not cleaned all the form and what you think tool really only one place in the pan.

Elizabeth S said...

I have in my shower and CLR actually is, it removes the stains, even in hard water or rust stains. In all the sealing, I use a brush. If mold in the seal, (which is likely) seems it would probably do again. It is very easy to do. Scraping off the old caulking with a scraper (5 in 1 works) or a tool to seal remover (which can be purchased cheaply at any hardware store). Once you scrape all old caulk, clean the surface with bleach or other substance that kills fungi. Let dry, then apply the new seal. Make sure that the seals you need to buy silicone shower/bathroom-. It is inexpensive, easy to do and make your shower seem new. A little work, but they are really worth!

too4barb... said...

U need to replace snn cocking.It economic "is quite simply the most beautiful underground end.With purchased any product or could have saved some money, but not only when there is no other form of use and Bleech Soak n Keep putting U See more.Hope no longer helps.

Richard S said...

I suggest a strong bleach solution, is important with a stiff brush plate and (!) Rubber gloves.
(From "strong solution" I think at least 2 (bleach) to a (water).

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